22 June 2010

'Sanzienele' is a Romanian tradition with pre-christian roots which is celebrated on June 24 – which coincides with the Orthodox holiday Ioan Botezatorul (St. John the Baptist). It is a midsummer tradition which celebrates nature and fecundity.

Sanzienele are also called Dragaica in some regions of the country (Muntenia, Oltenia). The word “sanziene” is also used for a plant with golden flowers, which are gathered into wreaths and placed in the house to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits. The legend goes that Sanzienele are young girls who give their magical powers to flowers and herbs during this period.

21 June 2010

There are 650,000 disabled people in Romania and less than 10 percent of them ever manage to find a job. A young French is fighting preconceptions and a sometimes faulted system to help these people in need and raise awareness among companies and individuals about diversity in the workplace. Stephane Meuret has shared some of his opinions and told a bit of his story to Romania Business Insider, rolling out ideas which will make you think twice about your life's true meaning, especially in these times of economic turmoil and change.

22 June 2010

'Sanzienele' is a Romanian tradition with pre-christian roots which is celebrated on June 24 – which coincides with the Orthodox holiday Ioan Botezatorul (St. John the Baptist). It is a midsummer tradition which celebrates nature and fecundity.

Sanzienele are also called Dragaica in some regions of the country (Muntenia, Oltenia). The word “sanziene” is also used for a plant with golden flowers, which are gathered into wreaths and placed in the house to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits. The legend goes that Sanzienele are young girls who give their magical powers to flowers and herbs during this period.

21 June 2010

There are 650,000 disabled people in Romania and less than 10 percent of them ever manage to find a job. A young French is fighting preconceptions and a sometimes faulted system to help these people in need and raise awareness among companies and individuals about diversity in the workplace. Stephane Meuret has shared some of his opinions and told a bit of his story to Romania Business Insider, rolling out ideas which will make you think twice about your life's true meaning, especially in these times of economic turmoil and change.



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