District 4 City Hall plans new airport south of Bucharest

District 4 of Bucharest will set up a company together with the neighbouring Giurgiu county local authorities to develop a new airport under an investment estimated at EUR 2 billion, announced district’s mayor Daniel Baluta - expected to hold his seat after the local elections this June.
The results of the pre-feasibility study will be published in August.
The Bucharest South Airport should be sized in such a way so as to serve over 11 million passengers and handle at least 30,000 tonnes of goods, according to a preliminary study recently completed by a consortium of experts formed by Concrete & Design Solutions and Urban Scope, coordinated by representatives of the SETEC of France.
Two locations are considered for the construction of Bucharest Sud Airport, namely Grădiștea and Adunații Copăceni, Economica.net reported. Following the completion of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, the exact location will be decided.
Mayor Baluta said that the project could be developed as a public investment with financing from the state budget, possibly with the participation of the Bucharest National Airport Company (CNAB), or as a public-private partnership project with a private partner.
(Photo source: Ps4.ro)