Draft bill: Hate speech against Romanians may be punished with jail

People who promote anti-Romanian ideas and doctrines in the public space risk jail sentences between 3 months and 3 years, and those who set up anti-Romanian organizations may spend 3 to 10 years in jail, if the Parliament adopts a draft bill supported by MPs from most political parties, local Hotnews.ro reported.
The draft bill mirrors a similar one aimed at combatting anti-Semitism, which the Parliament adopted recently, according to its initiators.
MPs from the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Popular Movement Party (PMP) initiated this bill, which is also backed by MPs from the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Save Romania Union (USR). The bill aims to punish hate speech and actions against Romanians, their property and institutions belonging to Romanian communities as well as distributing anti-Romanian propaganda materials and symbols.
The project is currently in public debate at the Senate and must also be voted by the Chamber of Deputies.