EC opens infringement case against Romania on lignite mines

05 December 2014

The European Commission (EC) has opened an infringement case against Romania for breaching the EU directive on Environmental Impact Assessment when expanding lignite mines in the Gorj County.

"The deforestation of over 700 hectares and expansion of lignite mines on this plot must comply with environmental standards laid down by law, respecting the principle of sustainable development," said Catalina Radulescu, lawyer and member of Bankwatch Romania Association, cited by local Mediafax.

Lignite mines in Gorj serve Oltenia Energy Complex’ thermo power plants.


EC opens infringement case against Romania on lignite mines

05 December 2014

The European Commission (EC) has opened an infringement case against Romania for breaching the EU directive on Environmental Impact Assessment when expanding lignite mines in the Gorj County.

"The deforestation of over 700 hectares and expansion of lignite mines on this plot must comply with environmental standards laid down by law, respecting the principle of sustainable development," said Catalina Radulescu, lawyer and member of Bankwatch Romania Association, cited by local Mediafax.

Lignite mines in Gorj serve Oltenia Energy Complex’ thermo power plants.




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