COVID-19: EC joins Romania's efforts in the vaccination communication campaign

The European Commission (EC) and its Representation in Romania launched a communication campaign on COVID-19 vaccination on December 14. The country has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the European Union (EU).
The campaign is aimed at supporting the efforts of Romanian authorities in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the EC said. It will consist of a 40-second video set to air on both Romanian TV stations and radio outlets, showing testimonies of people who have lost loved ones to COVID-19. The TV spot will be aired over a seven-week period.
"With the arrival of Omicron, vaccination and boosting is more important than ever. In Romania, only 39% of the population has so far been fully vaccinated, and the pace of vaccination continues to decrease. Vaccination gaps do not only increase the risks of severe disease, hospitalisation, and loss of life, they also leave room for more severe and transmissible variants. This is a risk not only for Romania but for the EU as a whole," said Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.
In her turn, Transport Commissioner Adina Valean said: "Vaccines are powerful tools to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The European countries where the vaccination rates are high are proof of that. Serious infections and death from the virus have reduced considerably. Through common action, the EU has secured enough doses for all Europeans, including the necessary booster shots. I encourage Romanians to get the vaccine for their sake and for the sake of those dear to them. Especially now, ahead of the Christmas holidays, when we all come together with family and friends."
To date, an average of 78% of adults in the EU are vaccinated. By comparison, 46.7% of adults are vaccinated in Romania, and the interest in getting the vaccine has been steadily declining in recent weeks. According to the December 14 official report, 35,178 people were vaccinated in Romania in 24 hours, but only 7,283 of them received their first dose.
In total, more than 7.86 million people received a vaccine against COVID-19 in Romania, and about 7.67 million were fully vaccinated (1.82 million also received the booster shot).
(Photo source: Cateyeperspective/