EC’ Timmermans expects explanations on proposal to revoke Romania’s DNA chief

01 March 2018

European Commission first vice president Frans Timmermans informed the authorities in Bucharest that he wanted explanations related to the proposal to dismiss the chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi.

Timmermans makes a two-day official visit to Bucharest on March 1-2, during which he will have meetings with president Klaus Iohannis, the presidents of the Parliament’s two chambers as well as with justice minister Tudorel Toader and DNA chief Laura Codruta Kovesi.

“I will meet her (the DNA chief – e.n.) as well as the justice minister and listen to their arguments. But you know the Commission’s position on this. We must let the judiciary independence do its job. This is best for all member states,” Timmermans said on Tuesday, according to

The EC official said that the European Commission didn’t plan to propose the activation of Article 7 against Romania, as it did in Poland’s case, and urged the Romanian authorities to follow the recommendations made within the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) on the judiciary reform and fight against corruption so that the CVM is lifted, according to Mediafax.

The EC has repeatedly recommended Romania to make its justice reform and fight against corruption irreversible to get out of the CVM.

EC vice president Timmermans to meet Romanian President, PM this week

EC also reacts to Romanian justice minister’s proposal to dismiss chief anti-graft prosecutor

(Photo source: Frans Timmermans on Facebook)


EC’ Timmermans expects explanations on proposal to revoke Romania’s DNA chief

01 March 2018

European Commission first vice president Frans Timmermans informed the authorities in Bucharest that he wanted explanations related to the proposal to dismiss the chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi.

Timmermans makes a two-day official visit to Bucharest on March 1-2, during which he will have meetings with president Klaus Iohannis, the presidents of the Parliament’s two chambers as well as with justice minister Tudorel Toader and DNA chief Laura Codruta Kovesi.

“I will meet her (the DNA chief – e.n.) as well as the justice minister and listen to their arguments. But you know the Commission’s position on this. We must let the judiciary independence do its job. This is best for all member states,” Timmermans said on Tuesday, according to

The EC official said that the European Commission didn’t plan to propose the activation of Article 7 against Romania, as it did in Poland’s case, and urged the Romanian authorities to follow the recommendations made within the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) on the judiciary reform and fight against corruption so that the CVM is lifted, according to Mediafax.

The EC has repeatedly recommended Romania to make its justice reform and fight against corruption irreversible to get out of the CVM.

EC vice president Timmermans to meet Romanian President, PM this week

EC also reacts to Romanian justice minister’s proposal to dismiss chief anti-graft prosecutor

(Photo source: Frans Timmermans on Facebook)




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