Romania’s electricity market will be coupled with those in Germany and Austria

The day-ahead markets (DAM, or spot) in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Czechia will be coupled starting next year with those in Germany, Austria, and Poland, according to Romania's power grid operator Transelectrica.
Romania's DAM market is already coupled with those in Hungary, Slovakia, and Czechia (4M MC mechanism). The plan is to couple these markets with the spot ones in Germany, Austria, and Poland - resulting in a broader DE-AT-PL-4M MC, reported. This means that trading across the regions will be possible on the spot market.
However, the physical constraints remain in place, but there is no fee for the capacity allocation related to the imports or exports resulting from trading on the DAM market.
Romania has used the spot market to import significant amounts of electricity this year when the intermittent renewable energy capacities produced low amounts of electricity, and traditional capacities were not functioning.
(Photo source: Madamlead/