Electronics manufacturer Plexus to build EUR 6.2 mln production line in Oradea

US electronics manufacturer Plexus will invest in a production line in Eurobusiness industrial park in Oradea, which will require a EUR 6.2 million investment. The US company has received 10 hectares of land under concession from the Oradea municipality. The contract will be signed in June and works on the facility are expected to start in fall. Plexus hopes to finalize the investment within a year. This is the company's only investment in Eastern Europe. It also runs two engineering facilities in Scotland.
Plexus will have logistics areas, offices and warehouse facilities on the 10 hectares of land, which were concessioned for 25 years, at EUR 8 per sqm. The company will pay a quarterly fee of EUR 0.32 per sqm per year, plus a EUR 0.5 per sqm per year in administration taxes.
The company had previously announced its plans to expand to Romania. "Oradea is ideally located to utilize the infrastructure of Central Europe, providing local supply chain and sourcing solutions that can be leveraged throughout the region. In addition, Oradea's location on the Hungarian/Romanian border is logistically attractive, while still providing the advantage of significant labor cost savings. Oradea offers a skilled labor pool, as well as universities in the surrounding area that offer curriculum focused on electronics manufacturing. We believe that this European solution will give us the opportunity to leverage our Kelso facility for new product introductions,” said Mike Buseman, vice-president for global manufacturing operations, in a previous statement. At the time, production was expected to begin in the second half of the 2009 fiscal year. The factory should supply 200 new jobs.
Plexus works on several market segments: mechanical, electronic and software design, printed circuit board development, prototyping services, new product introduction, material procurement and supply chain management, printed circuit board and higher level assembly, test development, in-circuit and functional testing, final system box build, fulfillment, service, and repair.