Eliad House, 19th century boyar hourse in Bucharest, to be restored with EUR 2.4 million

The Third District City Hall in Bucharest will pay around EUR 2.4 million for the preservation, restoration and enhancement works of Eliad Culture House, a historic monument located on Mircea Voda Street. A company called S.C. Euroconex has been awarded the renovation contract.
The Eliad House is one of the few remaining boyar houses from the 19th century in Bucharest. Water infiltration has led to alteration of the wooden boards inside the building and deterioration of the stucco artistic interior components. Floors, finishes and the central hall skylight are also damaged. On the other hand, the vertical structural elements have no serious damages.
The construction of the Eliad House started in the eighteenth century. The whole wooden superstructure burned down in an 1847 fire. The current standing construction was erected in 1851 by a team of craftsmen and it has subsequently been modified by successive extensions. The last structural change was carried out from 1911 to 1935.
Anca Berger, anca@romania-insider.com