Enel loses more energy in Romania than in Spain and Portugal

13 June 2010

Enel's energy loss in its Romanian network went up to 17.9 percent last year out of the total delivered energy in the country, which was 2.3 times higher than ts energy loss in Spain and Portugal. Enel started off with 17 percent energy losses in Romania, Spain and Portugal. However, the energy losses in Spain and Portugal diminished to 7.5 percent of the delivered energy.

Enel runs a 93,000 – km electrical network in Romania. The Italian energy group has 2.56 million customers in Romania, where it owns three subsidiaries of the former state-owned electricity distribution company Electrica – Muntenia Sud, Banat and Dobrogea.


Enel loses more energy in Romania than in Spain and Portugal

13 June 2010

Enel's energy loss in its Romanian network went up to 17.9 percent last year out of the total delivered energy in the country, which was 2.3 times higher than ts energy loss in Spain and Portugal. Enel started off with 17 percent energy losses in Romania, Spain and Portugal. However, the energy losses in Spain and Portugal diminished to 7.5 percent of the delivered energy.

Enel runs a 93,000 – km electrical network in Romania. The Italian energy group has 2.56 million customers in Romania, where it owns three subsidiaries of the former state-owned electricity distribution company Electrica – Muntenia Sud, Banat and Dobrogea.


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