Romania could ban registration of Euro 3, Euro 4 cars to meet environment-related targets

Romania’s National Plan for Energy and Climate Change (PNIESC) covers the option of a ban on the registration of cars with a pollution standard below Euro 5 so as to allow the country to meet the energy efficiency and environment targets it committed to, reported.
The document does not mention a date for the ban on Euro 3 and Euro 4 cars registration.
A revised version of PNIESC is currently under debate on the website of the Economy, Energy and Business Environment Ministry.
PNIESC was revised after recommendations from the European Commission (EC).
The EC recommended Romania to aim for a share of energy derived from renewable resources in the total gross national energy consumption of at least 34% by 2030, up from an initial proposal of 27.9%.
PNIESC also covers measures such as high and strict environment taxes that would limit the acquisition of used cars and the introduction of dedicated lanes for public transport vehicles and electric cars. It also includes activities to promote the importance of eco-mobility, the expansion and modernizing of the urban public transport with ecological vehicles, and encouraging the use of bio-fuels.
The plan also includes the renewal of the auto car park through the Rabla program, which provides non-refundable financing for the purchase of new, less polluting cars in exchange for scrapping the old car. As part of the program, vouchers worth RON 45,000 (EUR 9,400) are granted for the purchase of a new electric car, and vouchers of RON 20,000 (EUR 4,100) for the purchase of a new hybrid electric car.