Environment agency issues permits for Pitesti-Sibiu motorway

08 January 2019

Romania’s agency for environment ANPM issued the building permits for the Pitesti-Sibiu motorway, the most important transport infrastructure project envisaged by Romania during the past years, Economica.net informed.

The highway should connect southern Romania and the capital Bucharest to Transylvania and western Europe.

In October last year, the head of the public road company CNAIR head Narcis Neaga said that the tender for selecting the contractors for segments 2, 3 and 4 of the motorway would be carried only after the environment agency issues the building permit, “most likely by the end of the year”. The tender for the 4th segment will be organised first.

For the design and construction of the 2nd and 3rd segments, the most difficult segments since they cross the mountains, supplementary studies might be contracted before the actual auction, Neaga explained at that time.

The contractors for the first and fifth segments (the least difficult) were already selected, but the CNAIR head deferred announcing them until the building permit for whole route is issued by ANPM (meaning that they could be disclosed soon).

Contractor for Ploiesti-Brasov motorway to be announced soon


(photo source: Pexels.com)


Environment agency issues permits for Pitesti-Sibiu motorway

08 January 2019

Romania’s agency for environment ANPM issued the building permits for the Pitesti-Sibiu motorway, the most important transport infrastructure project envisaged by Romania during the past years, Economica.net informed.

The highway should connect southern Romania and the capital Bucharest to Transylvania and western Europe.

In October last year, the head of the public road company CNAIR head Narcis Neaga said that the tender for selecting the contractors for segments 2, 3 and 4 of the motorway would be carried only after the environment agency issues the building permit, “most likely by the end of the year”. The tender for the 4th segment will be organised first.

For the design and construction of the 2nd and 3rd segments, the most difficult segments since they cross the mountains, supplementary studies might be contracted before the actual auction, Neaga explained at that time.

The contractors for the first and fifth segments (the least difficult) were already selected, but the CNAIR head deferred announcing them until the building permit for whole route is issued by ANPM (meaning that they could be disclosed soon).

Contractor for Ploiesti-Brasov motorway to be announced soon


(photo source: Pexels.com)


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