Environmental Platform for Bucharest funds seven green projects for a year

Seven green projects in Bucharest, which focus on green spaces in neighbourhoods, urban nature and air quality, have been selected to receive funding for one year through the Environmental Platform for Bucharest program.
Initiated by the Bucharest Community Foundation and ING Bank Romania, the Environmental Platform for Bucharest will support three green projects for the second consecutive year and finance four other new projects together with FAN Courier.
One of the new projects is Văcărești Natural Park Association’s Nature between the blocks (Natura dintre blocuri), which received funding of RON 231,520. The project opens a new urban natural area to the community, Pajiștea Petricani (Tei-Romsilva area).
P.A.V.E.L Association got RON 122,400 for its Garden with Stories (Grădina cu Povești) project aimed at turning unused and arid land into a therapeutic and multisensory garden in the courtyard of the Oncological Institute “Prof. Dr. Al. Trestioreanu” in Bucharest.
A third project is ROOTS - Urban Gardens (ROOTS - Grădini urbane), which received RON 62.500. Developed by the Culturalis Association, it aims to create two urban community gardens, each with its own composting station. Educational workshops for families will be held with the involvement of neighbours and local authorities.
The fourth new project is Together in the garden near our building (Împreună în grădina de lângă bloc) developed by the Floreasca Civica Initiative Group. The project has two components: the redevelopment of the green spaces between the apartment buildings, in the courtyard of the school and the kindergarten and in front of the dispensary in the Floreasca neighbourhood; and afforestation actions on the shore of the lake near Căia Floreasca. The value of the financing is RON 83,580.
The projects will be thoroughly evaluated after the one-year period, and based on the results obtained and the ability of the Environmental Platform for Bucharest to attract funds, the next stage of funding will be negotiated and signed.
The same happened with the projects from the first round of financing, which will be supported for the second consecutive year. These are We’re crossing through the green (Traversăm prin verde) project developed by the Văcărești Natural Park Association, the aerlive.ro project that monitors air quality in Bucharest, and CSR Nest Association’s Urban Green (Verde citadin) project that organized gardening workshops and a circular economy fair, two constructions on green walls, and two pedagogical gardens.
The Environmental Platform for Bucharest aims to develop a participatory environmental vision for Bucharest and Ilfov. It brings together non-profit organizations, civic initiative groups, public authorities and companies to collectively make a positive impact on the capital city.
(Photo source: Pop Nukoonrat/Dreamstime.com)