Environmentally friendly public lighting system for Romanian city on Swiss funding

25 July 2014

The Cluj-Napoca City Hall will implement in the following period an environmental lighting system within a project of over RON 6.8 million (some EUR 1.5 million), mainly supported with Swiss funds.

The Swiss government has approved the project submitted by the Cluj-Napoca City Hall within the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme, according to the Cluj - Napoca City Hall. Under this project, the inside lightning of two buildings of the Municipality, as well as the public street lighting on 22 streets will be upgraded to the environmentally friendly system.

By implementing the project, electricity consumption is expected to go down by some 44 percent in for interior lighting and by 42 percent for public lightining.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com


Environmentally friendly public lighting system for Romanian city on Swiss funding

25 July 2014

The Cluj-Napoca City Hall will implement in the following period an environmental lighting system within a project of over RON 6.8 million (some EUR 1.5 million), mainly supported with Swiss funds.

The Swiss government has approved the project submitted by the Cluj-Napoca City Hall within the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme, according to the Cluj - Napoca City Hall. Under this project, the inside lightning of two buildings of the Municipality, as well as the public street lighting on 22 streets will be upgraded to the environmentally friendly system.

By implementing the project, electricity consumption is expected to go down by some 44 percent in for interior lighting and by 42 percent for public lightining.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com


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