E.ON installs 655 kWp PV system for Continental factory in Romania

27 February 2025

E.ON installs 655 kWp PV system for Continental factory in Romania

27 February 2025

E.ON Energie Romania completed the construction of a 655 kWp installation in Timişoara for Continental Automotive, one of the largest developers and manufacturers of innovative systems in the automotive sector.

The project involved the installation of a photovoltaic system consisting of 1,440 solar panels that will provide almost 715 MWh of renewable electricity for Continental Automotive annually and a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 152 tons, Ziarul Financiar reported.

In the non-residential segment, E.ON Energie Romania's portfolio of photovoltaic generation projects currently includes over 392 completed projects worth a total of EUR 74 million. 

The total photovoltaic energy production is over 104 GWh/year, and CO2 emissions are reduced by approximately 23,000 tons each year.


(Photo source: Temistocle Lucarelli/Dreamstime.com)

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