“An EPIC Transformation: From Rust to Riches” tells the story of Romania’s incredible journey in the last 30 years

Most Americans know little of Romania and especially about the country’s evolution in the last 30 years. To fill this knowledge gap, co-authors Dan Dimancescu and Andrei Chirileasa have written the story of Romania’s epic economic turn-around “From Rust to Riches”.
“EPIC is an untold story. It's a book about the Romanian economy and a story that is untold in the sense that, over the last 25-30 years, something incredible has happened, meaning the evolution of an economy that was rock bottom right after the communist regime fell, turning into what is a real success story today. The book is an epic in the sense that it's truly a unique European story,” says co-author Dan Dimancescu, a prolific author who has published many books about Romania’s history and wonders.
EPIC includes the two co-authors’ personal, anecdotal observations on how Romania has transformed over the last three decades. During this period, Dan Dimancescu has made over one hundred trips to Romania while Andrei Chirileasa has observed and reported local business news for 20 years as a business journalist.
“The book is a quick read. It's important because there's no other book like this on the market right now. In the US in particular, where I live, it's very important to share contemporary information about Romania with Americans who generally have very little knowledge of Romania and in many cases would appreciate getting a story like we have, which is this untold epic transformation story which I've subtitled From Rust to Riches. The rust meaning the demise of the communist economy to the riches that the new private sector has created,” adds Dan Dimancescu.
Dan Dimancescu is a film producer, book author and management consultant. A US and Romanian citizen, Dimancescu is also Honorary Consul-General of Romania in Boston and a Board Member of the Foundation Conservation Carpathia.
Andrei Chirileasa is Managing Editor of Romania-Insider.com, the leading English-language news source on Romania. He is a business journalist with 20 years of experience, half of which he spent writing for the biggest business newspaper in Romania – Ziarul Financiar.
The book is available on-line in both English and Romanian language versions.
ENG: "An EPIC Transformation: From Rust to Riches (Romania)"
RO: "ROMÂNIA. O transformare EPICĂ"
The book launch takes place at the Alianta Gala in Washington, on November 29-30, where three-hundred copies of the book will be distributed free to all attendees.