Erste Asset Management marks EUR 1.2 bln assets in Romania, five years after launch

Five years after its launch in Romania, Erste Asset Management has reached a EUR 1.2 billion volume of assets under management and a market share of 40 percent.
The company, which started in 2008 with a volume of assets of some EUR 80 million, saw the number of its clients rise five fold during this period, according to Dragoş Neacşu, CEO of Erste Asset Management in Romania.
The company now serves 110,000 clients, with investors getting yields between 5.6 and 21.2 percent in the last 12 months. The company, which runs five investment funds, is currently processing more than 1,000 operations a day, with values of tens and even hundreds of millions of RON, said Neacşu. “Five years ago, we were processing several operations a day, but now we have days when we have over 1,000 operations,” he explained.
The highest five-year yield of all the funds managed by the company came from the ERSTE Equity Romania fund, a shares fund, which had a 92.4 percent yield after five years, and a 21.2 percent yield at one year.
The company's ERSTE Absolute Return 25 RON fund, listed as absolute return multi-strategy fund, has a yield of 14.3 percent for one year, and a 50.6 percent yield at five years.
ERSTE Balanced RON, a diversified fund, had a yield of 61.5 percent at five years, and 17.6 percent at one year. ERSTE Bond Flexible RON, a bonds fun in local currency, posted a yield of 57.8 percent at five years, and 7.7 percent at one year.
The newest addition, ERSTE Money Market RON, has a 5.6 percent yearly yield.