EU clears second disbursement for Romania under Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) of the European Union issued a positive opinion on the second request submitted by Romania under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Minister of Finance, Marcel Boloş, announced on September 1.
This was the last step necessary for the payment of the EUR 2.7 billion, expected to be disbursed by the end of this month.
"I remind you that the submission of this request was conditioned by the regulation of some key aspects for Romania such as decarbonization, the interoperability of databases to reduce bureaucracy and the government cloud", Marcel Boloş wrote on Facebook.
He stressed that Romania is among the first seven EU states to submit the second disbursement request, although it has the most complex plan, with over 500 targets and benchmarks to meet.
(Photo source: Marian Vejcik/