EU’s common army officially established

12 December 2017

The EU Council adopted PESCO, the European Union defense pact, on Monday, December 11.

The Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), which was first set out in the Lisbon Treaty, will allow members states to jointly develop military capabilities. Twenty-five EU countries, including Romania, are part of this structure.

PESCO is not about replacing NATO, which will keep its primary role in defending Europe.

"In June I said it was time to wake up the Sleeping Beauty of the Lisbon Treaty: permanent structured cooperation,” EC president Jean-Claude Juncker said.

“Six months later, it is happening. I welcome the steps taken today by Member States to lay the foundations of a European Defence Union. Europe cannot and should not outsource our security and defense.”

The 25 participating Member States also signed a declaration announcing the preparation of first collaborative projects in areas including the setting up of an EU medical command, military mobility, maritime surveillance, and cyber security.


EU’s common army officially established

12 December 2017

The EU Council adopted PESCO, the European Union defense pact, on Monday, December 11.

The Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), which was first set out in the Lisbon Treaty, will allow members states to jointly develop military capabilities. Twenty-five EU countries, including Romania, are part of this structure.

PESCO is not about replacing NATO, which will keep its primary role in defending Europe.

"In June I said it was time to wake up the Sleeping Beauty of the Lisbon Treaty: permanent structured cooperation,” EC president Jean-Claude Juncker said.

“Six months later, it is happening. I welcome the steps taken today by Member States to lay the foundations of a European Defence Union. Europe cannot and should not outsource our security and defense.”

The 25 participating Member States also signed a declaration announcing the preparation of first collaborative projects in areas including the setting up of an EU medical command, military mobility, maritime surveillance, and cyber security.




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