EU signs off EUR 57 mln financing to connect remote Romania to the Internet

The European Commission has approved a EUR 57 million funding for Romania to develop broadband Internet infrastructure is the so-called ‘white areas’, which currently lack electronic communication network. The EU funding will cover most of the amounts needed to kick off the RO-NET project, which will require EUR 69 million in total.
The money will help connect 783 of the 2,268 Romanian localities underserved by communication systems. EU money will also help reduce the gap between urban and rural areas by connecting 130,000 household to the Internet. It will thus allow about 400,000 people, 8,400 companies and 2,800 public institutions to join communication networks.
This project will be implemented by end-2015, and will complete the telecom infrastructure already installed by local or national operators in less favored areas. All these operators wil have open access to the network.