EUR 1 million bribe attempt from local businessman to Interior Ministry state secretary

The Romanian media has picked up on a story involving a bribe attempt at the Ministry of Interior. Interior Ministry state secretary Dan Fatuloiu has recently told off a bribe attempt he had received on behalf of Romanian businessman Catalin Chelu. The businessman was allegedly trying to offer Fatuloiu two villas, two BMW cars and EUR 50,000 in cash. According to Romanian media, the value of the bribe was of EUR 1 million. Fatuloiu refused the bribe and announced the National Anti-corruption Unit (DNA) and organized a flagrant on Friday, when an alleged friend of Chelu's was questioned by the Police. Catalin Chelu had also denounced his attempt to bribe the state secretary. No information was offered on the stake of the bribe, nor on the exact details of the case.
Catalin Chelu is a Galati – based businessman who owns several companies across the country, mostly through investments on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. He is known for creating Blue Telecom and for investing in shares of SIF investment funds, which are listed on the BSE.
-to be updated-