New European Labor Authority may be based in Romania

The European Commission plans to establish a European Labor Authority, which may have its headquarters in Romania, according to Angela Cristea, the head of EC’s Representation to Romania.
“The European Commission has three proposals. The first is to create a European Labor Agency. The second is that all people engaged in independent activities benefit from a minimum package of six social protection services. The third is to create a system to monitor the way in which member states manage to provide this social protection to all people who work in the European Union,” Cristea said, according to local Agerpres.
This agency is needed because the social protection level varies very much between member states and between various categories of employees in the same country. Independent workers and those with part-time or seasonal contracts are the most disadvantaged.
Romania is somewhere at the middle of the EU ranking for social protection. However, with the economic growth, social inequities have also increased in Romania, according to the EC representative.