Exhibitions, workshops, books and music taken to the street at Strada de C’Arte in Bucharest

A cultural city in miniature will be opened in Bucharest this September under the name Strada de C’Arte. The event organized on C.A Rosetti Blvd and Boteanu and Golescu Streets will bring together books, architectural exhibitions, exterior lounges, workshops for children and urban furniture.
The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) will bring over 60 books published by ICR Publisher, two book launches and a Maria Raducanu recital.
The book “Silvan. The portraitist” (Silvan. Potretistul) will be launched on September 19, starting 18:00 hours at the ”Carol I” Central University Library (BCU) in Bucharest, while on September 21, starting 20:00, Romanian singer Maria Raducanu will perform at Aula BCU.
On Friday, September 23, the book “Books/play with this dust/With all the fires off” by Henry de Montherlant will be launched at BCU starting 18:00 hours.
See the full program of the event here.
Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com
(photo source: Stradadecarte.ro)