Exhibitions, workshops, movie screenings at Peasant’s Museum Days this autumn

An event called Peasant’s Museum Day will bring exhibitions, icon painters and craftsmen fairs, workshops, old and new music at the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant this autumn.
Icons painters and craftsmen will bring their products and stories to Bucharest between September 9 and September 11, starting 10:00 hours. From September 14 until October 21 the “Pots and vessels” (Oale si ulcele) exhibition can be seen at Foaier Hall, while between September 14, 2011 and February 5, 2012 the “Gone with the time” (Pe aripile timpului) exhibition can be seen at Oaspeti Hall.
On Sunday, September 18, at the end of the Peasant's Museum Days, an outdoor trip to Heresti de Giurgiu, at the Udriste Stone House and Boiler Nasturel Herescu will be organized.
During this event, on September 16, Romanian movies will be screened in the Horia Bernea Studio and in the yard of the Museum. See the full program here (in Romanian).
Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com
(photo source: Muzeultaranuluiroman.ro)