Media: Upcoming CVM report, tough on Romania’s justice law changes

The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report, which the European Commission will release tomorrow, November 13, is expected to call on Romania to stop the implementation of the new justice laws and criminal code legislation, reported.
The same report is to ask the country to relaunch the process to appoint a head prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Department (DNA).
According to a draft of the report consulted by, Romania has fulfilled only 2 of the 12 recommendations concerning the Prevent System of the National Integrity Agency and the National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets.
The report also recommends putting an end to the implementation of the justice laws drafted by the commission led by former justice minister Florin Iordache, as well as of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. It also recommends that the Parliament and Government take into account the recommendations of the Venice Commission and of GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) in what the justice legislation is concerned.
At the same time, the document is to stipulate that the CVM mechanism will not be lifted, as many local political leaders have requested.
After the CVM report is released, the European Parliament is to vote a resolution on Romania, on November 14.
The Council of Europe’s Venice Commission said in October it was concerned that many draft amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code in Romania seriously weaken the effectiveness of its criminal justice system to fight corruption offences, violent crimes and organized criminality.
Draft resolution on Romania: European Parliament deeply concerned about justice reform
EC first deputy president sends new warning to Romania on justice
Justice laws: What’s new in the emergency ordinance adopted by the Romanian Govt.
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