Former PwC Partner joins EY Romania team with regional role

Mihaela Mitroi, one of the most experienced tax consultants in Romania and a former PwC Parner, has joined the team of EY Romania as Partner within the Tax and Law Department.
She will also be the leader of the Tax and Law consultancy for the South Cluster within EY Central and South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region (CESA). This cluster includes Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Malta and Cyprus.
EY Romania’s Tax and Law team currently includes 200 tax experts and 40 legal experts, coordinated by 7 partners. Many of the services provided to customers, such as direct and indirect taxes, outsourcing, transaction tax services, transfer pricing, tax litigation and legal assistance have changed, by integrating new technologies such as Robotic Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence and OCR – Optical Character Recognition.
“We have a team of professionals who understand the impact of transformations in different areas, contributing to multidisciplinary projects, both at a local and regional level. Mihaela Mitroi, by means of her large experience, both in Romania and at a regional level, shall certainly bring an important contribution, both for EY Romania, and at our regional South cluster level”, said Bogdan Ion, Country Managing Partner of EY Romania and Chief Operating Officer EY CESA.
Mihaela Mitroi has a professional experience of over 25 years, of which 22 years in tax consultancy field. She has been involved in many restructuring, privatization, tax planning and optimization projects, as well as in consultations with Finance Ministry on tax legislation improvement. She left PwC at the beginning of this year.
(Photo source: EY Romania)