Biggest courier firm in Romania reports 24 employees infected with COVID-19

Fan Courier, the biggest courier company in Romania, announced that 24 employees at its logistics center in Stefanesti, near Bucharest, have tested positive for COVID-19.
However, the company says that this does not affect its operations and that there is no risk of infection for other employees or for clients who receive parcel deliveries.
"Most of the employees who tested positive were already in isolation at the time of the tests, and all their direct contacts were isolated and quarantined at home for 14 days, according to the medical protocol in force. The isolated staff represents a small percentage of the whole staff working in the hub in Stefanesti," said Cornel Morcov, Chief Commercial Officer Fan Courier, Ziarul Financiar reported.
"The teams in the Fan Courier warehouse are autonomous and do not interact, so the risk of infection between teams is minimal. The company's activity goes on at normal parameters, as the Fan Courier teams have been trained for such a scenario," he added.
(Photo source: ID 183381893 © Cristi Croitoru/