FanFest to take place at Rosia Montana in August

FanFest, a festival which aims at promoting Rosia Montana as a tourist destination and increase visibility for the Save the Rosia Montana campaign will take place between August 13 and 15 this year in the Transylvania village.
The event has been organized in the last six years by Alburnus Maior, one of the main associations which fights against the gold mine project that Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is planning to start near the village.
Rosia Montana hosts 70 kilometers of underground galleries, out of which 7 km of Roman galleries, placing Romania, along with Spain, on the first two places in the world in terms of Roman mining vestiges. The 7 km of Roman mining galleries were discovered by a team of French archaeologists.
Rosia Montana is a village in the Alba county, in the Apuseni mountains.
t is located in the Valea Roşiei, through which the Roşia River flows. The mineral resources in the area have been exploited ever since the Roman times – and even before by the Dacian people. The state-run gold mine was closed in 2006, before Romania's EU accession. Canadian mining corporation Gabriel Resources, together with the Romanian state, which holds a stake in the project through MinVest, want to start a gold mine in the area, which has caused controversy due to the use of cyanide as part of the gold extraction process.
How to get to Rosia Montana: You can reach Rosia Montana by car/bus from Alba Iulia or from Deva, which are the closest bigger cities in the area.