Few Romanians own private health insurance, more are uninsured

04 February 2015

Despite the growing popularity and the increasing number of private medical facilities in Romania, private health insurance still has a low coverage in Romania. Only 2% of Romanians have a private health insurance while a similar ratio have a subscription to a private clinic, partially or fully paid by the company they work for. A recent GfK survey also shows that almost 4% of Romanians are medically uninsured.

Most Romanians, namely 93%, are included in the public health system, for which they contribute monthly via the mandatory medical insurance.

Based on regions, 5% of Bucharest residents own a private health insurance, above the national average while 3.5% have a subscription to a private clinic. 2% of them also included spouses or children in the subscriptions for private services.

Health insurance numbers are the worst for Romanians who live in the Dobrogea, Muntenia and Moldova regions: 13% of Dobrogea residents and almost 6% of those living in Muntenia and Moldova are uninsured. The most vulnerable age group is 18-34: 16% of them don't have any insurance.

Maintaining proper oral and body hygiene (75%), positive thinking and optimistic approach to life (35%) and a diet based on fresh, natural products (27%) are among Romanians’ main healthy habits.

On the other hand, over half of Romanians don’t take vitamins or food supplements. A quarter of them place regular exercise and moderate consumption of alcohol and cigarettes at the bottom of their list of healthy habits.

GfK Romania conducted the study on a sample of 1,000 people aged over 15.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com


Few Romanians own private health insurance, more are uninsured

04 February 2015

Despite the growing popularity and the increasing number of private medical facilities in Romania, private health insurance still has a low coverage in Romania. Only 2% of Romanians have a private health insurance while a similar ratio have a subscription to a private clinic, partially or fully paid by the company they work for. A recent GfK survey also shows that almost 4% of Romanians are medically uninsured.

Most Romanians, namely 93%, are included in the public health system, for which they contribute monthly via the mandatory medical insurance.

Based on regions, 5% of Bucharest residents own a private health insurance, above the national average while 3.5% have a subscription to a private clinic. 2% of them also included spouses or children in the subscriptions for private services.

Health insurance numbers are the worst for Romanians who live in the Dobrogea, Muntenia and Moldova regions: 13% of Dobrogea residents and almost 6% of those living in Muntenia and Moldova are uninsured. The most vulnerable age group is 18-34: 16% of them don't have any insurance.

Maintaining proper oral and body hygiene (75%), positive thinking and optimistic approach to life (35%) and a diet based on fresh, natural products (27%) are among Romanians’ main healthy habits.

On the other hand, over half of Romanians don’t take vitamins or food supplements. A quarter of them place regular exercise and moderate consumption of alcohol and cigarettes at the bottom of their list of healthy habits.

GfK Romania conducted the study on a sample of 1,000 people aged over 15.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com




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