Finance Ministry raises EUR 81 mln from treasury certificates issuance

The Romanian Finance Ministry has attracted over EUR 81.6 million from banks in a discount treasury certificates issuance, which was placed through the Romanian Central Bank (BNR). The state titles have a six-month maturity and the average yield was of 6.38 percent. The total value of the issuance was of EUR 238 million and the demand from banks was of EUR 251 million, but the Finance Ministry has rejected the offers with yields higher than 6.75 percent.
12 primary dealers filed offers in the bid - Alpha Bank România, BRD - Groupe Societe Generale, Banca Comercială Carpatica, Banca Comercială Română (BCR), Banca Transilvania, Bancpost, CEC Bank, Citibank România, ING, Raiffeisen Bank, RBS Bank România and UniCredit Ţiriac Bank.