Fire destroys Doly Com's meat processing factory near Bucharest in Romania

A meat products factory in Tunari, near Romanian capital Bucharest, was destroyed by a fire on Tuesday morning (June 18). The factory belongs to meat processing company Doly-Com Botoşani, and was one of the two production units owned by the company.
The owner, businessman Iulian Căzăcuţ, said the company has insurance on all assets and on all the work subsidiaries, according to Ziarul Financiar.
According to preliminary data, the fire started from a gas tank, but nobody was hurt, as there were no workers in the factory that early in the morning. Firefighters managed to put out the fire but an area of 2,000 sqm was affected.
Doly – Com ended 2012 with a turnover of EUR 33 million and hopes to achieve EUR 35 million this year. In both its factories, it employs 300 people. The company sells its grill meat products under the brand Kravys. Exports to Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Germany and countries outside the European Union brought the company 30 percent of its turnover last year. Beef was half of Doly-Com's sales in 2012, pork, 45 percent, and horse meat, only 5 percent.