First contracts signed for three regional hospitals in Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Craiova

29 February 2024

First contracts signed for three regional hospitals in Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Craiova

29 February 2024

The contracts for preliminary works at the construction sites for two of the three planned regional hospitals in Romania, namely those located in Iasi and Cluj-Napoca, were signed in the presence of prime minister Marcel Ciolacu on February 28, according to Adevarul.

The contract for preliminary works at the third regional hospital, in Craiova, will be signed next week, PM Ciolacu said.

The first two hospitals are expected to cost RON 6.65 billion (EUR 1.34 billion), according to Assuming that the third hospital is of similar size to the first two, all three regional hospitals are expected to cost some RON 10 billion (EUR 2 billion).

The competitive procedure to select the contractors for the regional hospitals was already launched.

The European Commission made available to Romania some EUR 300 million for these regional hospitals since 2018.

Finally, the government will use a combination of resources, including funds from the Resilience Facility (RON 710 million, or 11% – for the first two hospitals), public money from the state budget (some 49% for the first two hospitals) and loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB, 40% for the first two hospitals). The financing structure is likely to remain the same for the third hospital, located in Craiova.

Since the project is partly financed under the resilience Facility, the three hospitals should be completed by the end of 2026.

(Photo source: Sudok1/

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