First signs of trouble in Romania's ruling coalition: Interim president publicly criticizes PM

08 August 2012

The interim President Crin Antonescu said Tuesday evening (August 7 ) that he noticed the government has shown "timidity and hesitation" in questioning the  electoral rolls for the referendum of 29 July, stating that Prime Minister Victor Ponta appears "threatened and intimidated" in recent days.

The direct criticism of Ponta is another sign of growing tensions in the ruling Social Liberal Union (USL), after Social Democratic Party member Ioan Rus resigned citing pressure from Crin Antonescu, the leader of the National Liberal Party, part of USL.

"It is necessary that institutions do not let themselves be intimidated, and here I mean primarily the government, which gave the feeling - I have to say - of a certain shyness and some hesitation," said Antonescu. He urged the government to take all necessary measures and  not to let itself be intimidated. Antonescu also accused suspended president Traian Basescu of threatening and intimidating Romania's government and people, adding that Basescu was practically beyond the law.

He also explained that the government should not hold any "mini-census", but instead to take "firm action" under the law.

"We need clear documents, firm action from the Government within the law and in the spirit of what the Constitutional Court asked," said Antonescu.

The interim President stated that he had no contact with the Constitutional Court judges, except with Augustin Zegrean, who is a colleague in Parliament. He said the former Interior Minister lied when saying he was pressured by the interim president.

Ioana Toader,

(photo source:


First signs of trouble in Romania's ruling coalition: Interim president publicly criticizes PM

08 August 2012

The interim President Crin Antonescu said Tuesday evening (August 7 ) that he noticed the government has shown "timidity and hesitation" in questioning the  electoral rolls for the referendum of 29 July, stating that Prime Minister Victor Ponta appears "threatened and intimidated" in recent days.

The direct criticism of Ponta is another sign of growing tensions in the ruling Social Liberal Union (USL), after Social Democratic Party member Ioan Rus resigned citing pressure from Crin Antonescu, the leader of the National Liberal Party, part of USL.

"It is necessary that institutions do not let themselves be intimidated, and here I mean primarily the government, which gave the feeling - I have to say - of a certain shyness and some hesitation," said Antonescu. He urged the government to take all necessary measures and  not to let itself be intimidated. Antonescu also accused suspended president Traian Basescu of threatening and intimidating Romania's government and people, adding that Basescu was practically beyond the law.

He also explained that the government should not hold any "mini-census", but instead to take "firm action" under the law.

"We need clear documents, firm action from the Government within the law and in the spirit of what the Constitutional Court asked," said Antonescu.

The interim President stated that he had no contact with the Constitutional Court judges, except with Augustin Zegrean, who is a colleague in Parliament. He said the former Interior Minister lied when saying he was pressured by the interim president.

Ioana Toader,

(photo source:




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