Five bidders reportedly compete for CEZ’s Romanian assets

India Power Corporation, Hungarian power group MVM (Magyar Villamos Művek), German utilities group E.ON, and the German financial services group Allianz are reportedly the bidders that compete against the Romanian state-controlled consortium Hidroelectrica - Electrica - SAPE for the Romanian assets of Czech utility group CEZ.
The Romanian consortium reportedly submitted its binding offer last week, unofficial sources familiar to the deal told Ziarul Financiar daily.
The same sources estimate that the power distribution business of CEZ Romania, eyed by Electrica, is valued at approximately EUR 500 mln, the wind energy farm, which stirred the interest of Hidroelectrica, at about EUR 400- 500 mln, and the electricity supply part at about EUR 50 mln.
(Photo: Josef Kubes/ Dreamstime)