Five cities in Romania among safest 50 cities in Europe

Five cities in Romania are ranked among the safest places in Europe to live or to travel.
Cluj is the safest city in Romania, ranked ninth overall in Europe, according to The city’s ranking was brought down by a moderate level of corruption and a moderate level of increasing crime in the last 3 years. Visitors and residents of Cluj nevertheless enjoy a very high safety walking during the daytime, and a high safety walking alone at night.
Timisoara comes in at the 17th place, followed by Brasov on 18th.
Bucharest ranks 31st, above capitals like Lisbon, Oslo, Vienna, Luxembourg, and London, Digi24 reported. Safety while walking alone during the day and night is also very high and high in Bucharest. A high level of perceived corruption brings the capital lower in the ranking.
In the same ranking, the eastern Romania city of Iasi takes the 50th place.
The safest cities in Europe are the Hague, in the Netherlands, Bern, the capital of Switzerland, and Munich, in Germany. The top 10 also includes Ljubljana from Slovenia, Zagreb from Croatia, and Eindhoven, another city from the Netherlands.
One of the most important indicators of a city's safety is the crime rate. Road accidents are another factor that was considered in determining the safety level. Cities that invest in road infrastructure, implement strict traffic rules, and promote public transport can be considered safer. Public safety or safety in public spaces also played a significant role in creating this ranking.
The least safe city in Europe, according to the ranking, is Marseille, in southern France, followed by Coventry and Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
(Photo source: Alexandru Ionas Salagean |