Author of controversial justice bill to lead Romanian Parliament committee

Former justice minister Florin Iordache, who was the author of the infamous emergency ordinance 13 that was supposed to change Romania’s criminal code, was appointed yesterday president of the parliamentary committee for ensuring legislative stability in the field of justice.
The Parliament approved the establishment of this parliamentary committee last week. The committee includes other controversial MPs such as Eugen Nicolicea and Steluta Cataniciu. They are known for their attempts to destroy the anti-corruption laws, according to
The emergency ordinance 13, which was issued in January, set a limit of RON 200,000 (EUR 44,000) for the abuse of office crime. That meant that abuse of office would not have been considered a criminal offence if the damages were below that amount. However, the ordinance was repealed several days later after massive protests and the justice minister who promoted it, Florin Iordache, resigned.
The Romanian Government is now trying to change some important laws in the field of justice and justice minister Tudorel Toader is expected to send a draft of the new justice laws to the Parliament in the following period. Toader said he would move on with his proposals, some of which have been criticized for trying to place justice under the politicians’ control.
Last week, the Superior Magistracy Council (CSM) issued a negative opinion on Toader’s justice law draft.