Foreign tourists spend EUR 200 mln in Romania in first quarter, most of them are business travelers

A total of 309,000 foreign tourists visited Romania in the first quarter, spending a total of RON 876.2 million (some EUR 200 million), according to data from the National Statistics Institute INS.
However, almost 70 percent of the foreign tourists who stayed in hotels and hostels in Romania in the first quarter came to the country for business reasons, to participate at congresses, conferences, classes, fairs and exhibitions.
Only 30.5 percent arrived in Romania for personal reasons, such as holidays, shopping, cultural and sports events, visiting friends and relatives, medical treatment, or religious reasons.
Accommodation expenses represent 48.9 percent of the total expenditures for business reasons, most of the tourists particularly preferring accommodation with breakfast (91.3 percent), according to INS.
Foreign tourists’ expenditures in restaurants and bars represented 15.9 percent, while those for shopping had a share of 11.4 percent in total expenditures. In terms of shopping, most money went on gifts and souvenirs, followed by food and drinks.
In the case of tourists arriving in Romania for personal reasons, the highest share in total expenditure was also represented by accommodation costs (45.8 percent). Accommodation with breakfast was also preferred by most of the foreign tourists.
The expenses made in restaurants and bars represented 14.2 percent of total expenditures, while shopping had a share of 14.5 percent.
Over 41 percent of the foreign tourists had their trip organized by travel agencies, while 33.8 percent organized the stay in Romania by themselves.
Most of them, namely 80.2 percent, arrived in Romania by plane, while 12.3 percent chose the personal car.
Irina Popescu,
(photo source: Continental Hotels)