Former soccer player Gica Popescu builds EUR 10 mln Doldora Bazaar

Former soccer player and current investor Gica Popescu (in picture) will invest EUR 10 million in a retail center in Rahova area of Bucharest, which will be called Doldora Bazaar, the businessman has announced. The retail center, which will sell both en-gross and en-detail products, will be built on the premises of a former industrial platform in the city. The center should become operational in October this year. The investment will be made with a loan taken from Garanti Bank. The new retail center will trigger 2,000 new jobs.
Doldora Bazaar will cover 12,000 sqm and 200 parking places. The project will be similar to existing bazaar type of retail spaces, like IDM, Doraly, Dragonul Rosu or SIR. Doldora Bazaar will include shops selling both food and non-food items. More about the project in its website here (in Romanian).
Rahova neighborhood is located West of the capital city and is among the least developed areas in the city. Real estate prices in the area, as well as the purchasing power are lower than in the North or East of the city.
This is not Gica Popescu's first investments. He has also invested in an arts gallery in Bucharest and is planing to put EUR 25 million in a hotel in the capital city.