Four offers to build EUR 83 mln communication network for Romania's ' white areas'

Two telecom companies and two consortia submitted offers to build telecom networks in some of Romania's rural areas, a contract worth some EUR 82 million. Romtelecom and Cosmote Romania, both part of the Greek OTE group, submitted offers.
And so have the consortia Direct One-Electrogrup and UPC Romania-Deloitte Audit-Connection Consulting, according to Mediafax newswire.
The project, called RO-NET, will consist in offering concession contracts for design and build work for a national communication infrastructure in target villages in 35 counties. The project should cover 137,000 households and 400,000 inhabitants in these so called 'white areas' in 783 localities.
The network should be done in 2015, and the winner will get the concession for 18 years, after which it can buy the network.