Friday headlines: Diverta asks for insolvency, HD TV from RCS&RDS in June

Romanian media
Octavian Radu has asked for Diverta's insolvency – in Ziarul Financiar
Former Rompetrol CEO buys 40% of Heritage restaurant – in Ziarul Financiar
Orange brings CFO from France – in Ziarul Financiar
Cinteza: Even if half of public employees don't pay they loans, banks won't have any problems – in
RCS&RDS launches HD TV in June and pre-paid mobile telephony – in
International media
Euro’s rebound helps to boost stocks - in the Financial Times
Companies steer a tricky path through bond issues - in the Financial Times
United States and Germany remain divided over financial regulation issues - in the Washington Post
Tesla Paying $42 Million for Shut Toyota Venture Site - in BusinessWeek