Garanti Bank turns to profit after six months in Romania

Turkish lender Garanti Bank posted a profit of EUR 2.7 million in Romania in the first half of 2011, compared with a loss of EUR 31.16 million reported in the same period last year, according to the group. The bank's total assets stood at EUR 1.5 billion at the end of the first semester.
Present on the market in Romania since 1998, Garanti Bank provides services to all business segments, such as retail, SME and corporate, to more than 200,000 customers. The bank has a network of 77 agencies, 180 ATMs, and over 7,000 POS terminals. The group includes Garanti Bank, Garanti Leasing, Garanti Credite de Consum (consumer loans) and Garanti Credite Ipotecare (mortgage loans).
Irina Popescu,