GfK: Consumer sentiment and income expectations in Romania, slightly up

Romanians have improved their expectations on the state of the economy, compared to their status mid-2010, but are still pessimistic, found a study by GfK. In Europe, consumer sentiment went up in the second quarter of this year, for the first time after the economic crisis has begun. The improvement was recorded despite the uncertainty triggered by the situation in Greece. “It seems recession in Europe has passed the critical moment and that in most European countries, the economy starts to revive,” according to GfK.
Romanians are worried about inflation, while a big part of the population is not convinced the economic revival in some areas of the world will be a long-term one.
Romanians are more optimistic about their income and expect an improvement in their personal finances in the near future.
The GfK study included 16,800 Europeans, of which 1,000 Romanians.