Study: Three quarters of Romanians renovate their homes by themselves
A total of 76% of Romanians would rather paint their homes by themselves or together with another family member or a friend, the yearly Gfk Romania study dedicated to the paint market showed. Only 24% of those surveyed said they turn to a professional painter.
Women are more likely to turn to a professional, while men prefer to do the job themselves.
The respondents said they usually purchased decorative paints together with another family member (in 47% of the cases) or by themselves (41%). The painter is involved in the purchase process only in 10% of the cases.
Almost 7 out of 10 Romanians buy paints from DYI stores, which are chosen because of the price range and the variety of paint ranges and brands. Construction materials warehouses are preferred by 18% of respondents, while 12% of respondents go to specialized proximity stores.
The color most frequently used is white, used for all types of rooms. Colored paint is used for the children’s room, bedroom and living-room, while white is used in the bathroom and the kitchen. A total of 46% of those surveyed used white paint, 26% colored paint, and 28% both. At the same time, 71% of those who painted their home last year painted the kitchen, and 60% other rooms in their apartments.
The biggest challenges in renovating a home are considered the cleaning up that comes afterwards (47%), covering the furniture and floors (42%), preparing the surfaces to be painted (36%), and applying the putty on the wall.
The survey also showed that loyalty to brands decreased from 56% in 2015 to 52% in 2018. A total of 46% of those renovating their home change the brand if it is not available, while a similar percentage decides on the brand to be purchased in the store. Most influential in the decision are friends and family (51%), the painter (47%) and the seller (45%). Among the communication channels, TV is the most influential.
The study was conducted among 800 respondents: 500 people who renovated their homes and 300 professional painters in urban areas.