Global Women in PR launches Romanian subsidiary

08 June 2018

Global Women in PR (GWPR), the international organization dedicated to supporting female talent in the PR industry, has opened a subsidiary in Romania earlier this month.

The launch of Global Women in PR Romania was made in the presence of Susan Hardwick and Angela Oakes, co-founders of the London-based GWPR organization, and over 70 professionals in Romania. The Romanian subsidiary is headed by Ana-Maria Diceanu (Brain 4 Strategy), Corina Vasile (Raiffeisen Bank) and Cristina Hanganu (Lidl).

The founding members of the local organization are Lidia Solomon (Honeywell), Dana Oancea (Coca-Cola Helenic Company), Ianana Mănoiu (GMP PR), Crenguta Roşu (DC Communications), Cristina Popescu (Danone), Gabriela Lungu (WINGS Creative Leadership Lab), Anca Ungureanu (UniCredit Bank), Irina Roncea (Golin) and Oana Mateescu (Ursus Breweries). Another 20 professionals became members of the association at the launch event.

“We are happy to welcome GWPR Romania in the global community of senior PR professionals. Romania is no different from other countries, in the sense that this in an industry in which women predominate but men, of course, occupy the majority of the chair seats in a company. Our goal is to help, encourage and inspire women to assume leadership in the communications profession,” Susan Hardwick said at the launch event.

Irina Marica,

(photo source:


Global Women in PR launches Romanian subsidiary

08 June 2018

Global Women in PR (GWPR), the international organization dedicated to supporting female talent in the PR industry, has opened a subsidiary in Romania earlier this month.

The launch of Global Women in PR Romania was made in the presence of Susan Hardwick and Angela Oakes, co-founders of the London-based GWPR organization, and over 70 professionals in Romania. The Romanian subsidiary is headed by Ana-Maria Diceanu (Brain 4 Strategy), Corina Vasile (Raiffeisen Bank) and Cristina Hanganu (Lidl).

The founding members of the local organization are Lidia Solomon (Honeywell), Dana Oancea (Coca-Cola Helenic Company), Ianana Mănoiu (GMP PR), Crenguta Roşu (DC Communications), Cristina Popescu (Danone), Gabriela Lungu (WINGS Creative Leadership Lab), Anca Ungureanu (UniCredit Bank), Irina Roncea (Golin) and Oana Mateescu (Ursus Breweries). Another 20 professionals became members of the association at the launch event.

“We are happy to welcome GWPR Romania in the global community of senior PR professionals. Romania is no different from other countries, in the sense that this in an industry in which women predominate but men, of course, occupy the majority of the chair seats in a company. Our goal is to help, encourage and inspire women to assume leadership in the communications profession,” Susan Hardwick said at the launch event.

Irina Marica,

(photo source:




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