Globalworth gets EUR 200 mln financing from seven banks including Bank of China

Globalworth, the leader of the office market in Romania and Poland, signed a contract for a revolving credit of up to EUR 200 million from a syndicate of seven banks including Bank of China - which is thus financing for the first time an investor operating in Romania.
The revolving credit was signed for a period of 4.5 years and the limit can be increased by EUR 50 mln, reported. The loan was arranged by JP Morgan, and the participating banks include Banca Transilvania, Bank of China, BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Intesa Sanpaolo and Raiffeisen Bank International.
This is the first such financing in which Bank of China participates in Romania. This summer, the Chinese bank started recruiting managers for Romania, with the intention of opening an office in Bucharest. The Chinese group has notified the National Bank of Romania (BNR) that it wants a direct presence on the local market.
(Photo source: Shutterstock)