Popular music festival in Romania returns after nine-year break

A new edition of the music festival Cerbul de Aur (The Golden Stag) will take place in Brasov, in central Romania, between August 29 and September 2. The previous edition of the event took place in 2009.
The festival will cover an anniversary gala, a two-day contest, and several connected events.
Fifteen performers will compete for awards totaling EUR 65,000. Besides the grand trophy amounting to EUR 25,000, eight other distinctions can be won. Among them are the award for the best performance of a Romanian song, the Brasov award, the public choice award, the festival media award, and the award of the Public Radio and Television.
The festival will end with a Centennial Gala, which will bring together traditional Romanian folk music and contemporary reinterpretations of the genre.
The first edition of the Golden Stag festival took place in 1968. In time, various international names performed at the event, such as Diana Ross, Julio Iglesias, Tom Jones, Vaya con Dios, Christina Aguilera, Cliff Richard, Kenny Rogers, Ricky Martin, Kelly Family, Patricia Kaas, Toto Cutugno, Boy George, James Brown, Kenny Rogers, Ray Charles, UB 40, Scorpions, Pink or Sheryl Crow.
1918 Union celebrations revive decades-old Romanian music festival
(Photo: Cerbul de Aur Facebook Page)