Tudor Giurgiu’s Libertate wins best film, nine other trophies at Romania’s Gopo Awards 2024

Tudor Giurgiu’s Libertate/Freedom is the big winner of this year’s Gopo Awards, the event awarding the achievements of the local film industry. The movie, inspired by true events and telling a lesser-known story that took place in Sibiu during the 1989 Revolution, won the Best Feature Film plus nine other trophies at the gala held on April 29.
Among others, Tudor Giurgiu also received the Best Director trophy for Libertate, while Alex Calangiu won the Best Actor award for playing Viorel Stănese in the same film. Moreover, the Best Supporting Actor trophy went to Iulian Postelnicu for his role in Giurgiu’s film.
The Best Actress trophy went to Ilinca Manolache for her role in Radu Jude’s Nu aștepta prea mult de la sfîrșitul lumii/Do not expect too much from the end of the world.
Maria Popistașu was named Best Supporting Actress for her role in Bogdan Theodor Olteanu’s Taximetriști/Taxi drivers.
Între Revoluții/Between Revolutions, directed by Vlad Petri, was designated Best Documentary.
The complete list of winners is available here.
(Photo source: the organizers; credit: Miluta Flueras)