RO Justice minister Gorghiu argues multiple elections may harm pace of reforms

14 August 2023

Romania's Minister of Justice Alina Gorgiu (Liberal, PNL) recommended Social Democrat leader Marcel Ciolacu – who serves as head of PSD as well – to consider the option of merging some of the multiple electoral ballots scheduled for next year.

There are reforms that must be pursued, Gorghiu said, implying that there's not that much time left for elections.

"This topic can still be discussed, and I am making this proposal because the best solution for Romania is to focus on reforms and less on the electoral sphere," she explained, quoted by

"Romania can simply not afford to slow down the pace of reforms for some elections," she explained.

"[We] must focus on reforms, investments and we cannot afford a deadlock at the level of the institutions and we cannot afford to slow down the pace of reforms and have a paralyzed economy effectively blocked by so many elections," Gorghiu argued.

Romania's Social Democrats (PSD) and Liberals (PNL) have been ruling since president Klaus Iohannis sponsored the coalition in 2021 and seem willing to stay together after next year's general elections.

(Photo: Alexandru Busca/ Inquam Photos)


RO Justice minister Gorghiu argues multiple elections may harm pace of reforms

14 August 2023

Romania's Minister of Justice Alina Gorgiu (Liberal, PNL) recommended Social Democrat leader Marcel Ciolacu – who serves as head of PSD as well – to consider the option of merging some of the multiple electoral ballots scheduled for next year.

There are reforms that must be pursued, Gorghiu said, implying that there's not that much time left for elections.

"This topic can still be discussed, and I am making this proposal because the best solution for Romania is to focus on reforms and less on the electoral sphere," she explained, quoted by

"Romania can simply not afford to slow down the pace of reforms for some elections," she explained.

"[We] must focus on reforms, investments and we cannot afford a deadlock at the level of the institutions and we cannot afford to slow down the pace of reforms and have a paralyzed economy effectively blocked by so many elections," Gorghiu argued.

Romania's Social Democrats (PSD) and Liberals (PNL) have been ruling since president Klaus Iohannis sponsored the coalition in 2021 and seem willing to stay together after next year's general elections.

(Photo: Alexandru Busca/ Inquam Photos)




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