Romanian team introduces locally-made public charging stations for mobile devices

A team of Romanian architects at Triptic Studio recently introduced locally-made charging stations for mobile devices to be placed in public places in cities.
The chargers can power 12 devices simultaneously, and their battery stores energy for a total of 300 charges. The charging stations can be used both during the day and at night.
The solar-powered chargers are manufactured in Brăila, in eastern Romania, and have already been introduced in Cluj-Napoca. The western Romania city first tested the chargers at the Untold festival it accommodates.
The project of the public charging stations, called Green Spots, required an investment of EUR 100,000, Ziarul Financiar reported. A part of the sum, EUR 44,000, was raised through the Start-Up Nation 2017 program.
“Although our need to communicate through mobile devices is increasingly higher, the solutions available in public spaces for charging the devices are almost nonexistent in Romania. As such, Green Spots offers a solution to a daily need,” Cristian Danciu, business developer Green Spots, explained.
Three Green Spots charger models are currently available, different in size and capacity. The chargers can also be customized according to the needs of the clients. The standard USB plugs and LED lighting chargers can be equipped with WiFi technology, video surveillance systems, touchscreen panels and other design elements.
Green Spots targets clients in both the public and private sectors. The devices can be purchased or rented for various events.
The initiators of the project also view it as a way to develop the public areas where the charging stations are placed.
“By placing the chargers in public spaces, we want to offer solutions to both the public and the investor. For the latter, an advertising space can make the investment attractive. But the main aspect to be considered is transforming the space itself. Creating an attraction point in urban areas involves a series of investments, such as coffee shops, restaurants, stores, all of which generate an influx of people,” Adrian Țuțuianu, a co-founder of Green Spots, said.
The Green Spots team is currently in talks with local authorities in other Romanian cities, among them Alba Iulia and Constanţa, reported.
The team behind the project is made up of architects Aurel Basuc and Adrian Tutuianu, and business developer Cristian Danciu, also partners and co-founders of Triptic Studio.
(Photo: A Green Spots charger in Cluj-Napoca; photo by Green Spots)