Greenhouses with exotic plants to open in Bucharest park by end of October

Several greenhouses with exotic plants are to be opened in the Drumul Taberei Park in southwestern Bucharest in about two weeks.
The greenhouses are composed of seven buildings, each with plants specific to the tropical, Mediterranean, desert and equatorial regions, but there will also be a greenhouse with palm trees, according to local, which also shared photos of the greenhouses. Access will be free but a guide must accompany the visitors.
The construction and arrangement of the greenhouses cost about RON 25 million (some EUR 5.3 million), more than it was initially budgeted, and the District 6 City Hall will pay RON 4.3 million (some EUR 907,000) for their maintenance over the next four years.
The construction of the greenhouses in the Drumul Taberei Park started in 2012 as part of a larger project aimed at modernizing the park, of RON 75 million (EUR 15.8 million), mostly covered by EU funds. Of the RON 75 million, in the initial project, the value of the greenhouses was budgeted at RON 11.7 million.
The park was reopened in May 2015, but the greenhouses were not completed. Initially the local administration promised that they would be opened at the end of 2015, then in 2016, reported.